
Looking for tips and strategies for planning and managing social media marketing and advertising? We’ve been blogging about digital marketing for nearly 10 years. Dive in below!

Behind the Scenes at #SMMW17

Behind the Scenes at #SMMW17

Every year around this time I write a blog post with my top take-aways and lessons learned from Social Media Marketing World, but this year it’s a bit different. In the past, I’ve always been an attendee or volunteer for this mammoth marketing conference that draws...

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5 Sweet Tools for Visual Content Creation That You Will Love

5 Sweet Tools for Visual Content Creation That You Will Love

Instagram is one of the fastest growing visual content social media platforms, and it’s easy to see why: it’s just plain fun and entertaining. Instagram lets you create and share a digital scrapbook of your experiences. Your visual story can be as funky, artful,...

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3 Ways Small Business Social Media Marketing Will Evolve in 2017

3 Ways Small Business Social Media Marketing Will Evolve in 2017

January is a great time to rethink old habits and create some New Year’s resolutions (i.e. goals) for yourself and your business. And while no one really knows what’s around the corner for social media in 2017, it’s clear that small business will need to keep evolving...

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Big Brand Social Media Tactics that Small Businesses Can Use

Big Brand Social Media Tactics that Small Businesses Can Use

We all know that big brands and businesses have oodles of money to spend on fancy social media marketing campaigns. But many of the tactics they use are just as easy for small businesses to implement. Here are a few of my favorite social media tactics from larger...

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7 Super Last Minute Holiday Promotions for the 4th of July

7 Super Last Minute Holiday Promotions for the 4th of July

Do you find that holiday related promotions sneak up on you or even worse, pass you by? Annual celebrations and holidays such as the 4th of July are a quick and easy way to remind your customers and potential customers that you appreciate them. In addition, it gives...

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What I learned at Social Media Marketing World (#SMMW)

What I learned at Social Media Marketing World (#SMMW)

Once again, I spent an exciting week in San Diego at this year’s SMMW learning about the most up-to-date tools and trends in social media marketing. In case you don’t know, SMMW is the premier social media marketing conference in the industry, and draws people...

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Instagram Advertising – How to Get Started

Instagram Advertising – How to Get Started

With over 400 million users, it’s no surprise that Instagram is generating curiosity from businesses, and if you have a visual product, you should be curious too. I recently ran a Facebook vs Instagram Advertising Challenge that produced surprising results.  I ran the...

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