3 Ways Small Business Social Media Marketing Will Evolve in 2017

3 Ways Small Business Social Media Marketing Will Evolve in 2017

January is a great time to rethink old habits and create some New Year’s resolutions (i.e. goals) for yourself and your business. And while no one really knows what’s around the corner for social media in 2017, it’s clear that small business will need to keep evolving...

10 Great Take Aways from MozCon 2013

MozCon 2013…well, it rocked. Here are my top take-aways. Traditional SEO is going away and marketers need to take a step back and take a more holistic approach to their online marketing. Branding and storytelling are more important and powerful than ever as the...

3 Reasons Your Website Should Have Google Analytics

Back in 2006 Google came out with Google Analytics.  The idea of this free tool was to make website tracking available to everyone. And not just ho-hum web tracking.  We are talking quality web tracking. It’s still out there but for some reason most small businesses I...