
Looking for tips and strategies for planning and managing social media marketing and advertising? We’ve been blogging about digital marketing for nearly 10 years. Dive in below!

12 Tips for Hosting a Twitter Chat

12 Tips for Hosting a Twitter Chat

Hosting Twitter Chats gives you the unique opportunity to interact with prospective customers, potential business partners and influencers you might not otherwise reach. By leading the conversation and sharing valuable content with your audience, you can position...

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Setting Social Media Goals for 2019

Setting Social Media Goals for 2019

If you are like the rest of us, you are bound to get swept up in making resolutions and setting goals for the new year. Setting goals now will help you see if you are accomplishing what you intended for your social media marketing in the year to come.  Below are 5...

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5 Last Minute Social Media Holiday Posts for Your Business

5 Last Minute Social Media Holiday Posts for Your Business

Looking for some last-minute ways to promote your business during the holidays?  Social media is a busy place right now with more people shopping online than ever.  One of the best advantages of social media marketing is you can share messages instantly. Here are five...

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A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter Advertising

A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter Advertising

Have you wondered what social media ads are possible beyond Facebook ads? I’ve used Twitter advertising for myself and my clients throughout the years and have created this blog to give you a basic walk-through of the process and tips I’ve learned.   Get Started...

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