Why Social Media?

Why Social Media?

With the abundant hype around social media today, you might be questioning how much of your resources you want to dedicate toward this up and coming marketing channel. After all, if the ROI isn’t easy to prove, why should you do it? Why spend time and money on social...
25 Social Media Marketing Stats You Can No Longer Ignore

25 Social Media Marketing Stats You Can No Longer Ignore

There are many colorful Infographics flooding the internet and there are statistics aplenty on just about any marketing topic you might be interested in. But that’s why I’m here – to sort through all the internet noise and find the stats that are actually worth paying...
5 Reasons Your Social Media Doesn’t Rock

5 Reasons Your Social Media Doesn’t Rock

Have you gotten your business all set up on social media and are you busy Tweeting and updating, yet not sure of the benefits? Do you find it difficult to determine how it’s all going to pay off? Odds are your social media strategy needs a little once-over and perhaps...
Facebook Marketing – Is it Time to Abandon Ship?

Facebook Marketing – Is it Time to Abandon Ship?

So as you may know Facebook recently released the news that it was going to be shaking up things a bit for businesses. Rather than your business page reach being shown to 16% of your fan base, that number is going to drop significantly further to 1 – 3%.  We...
Cyber Monday Countdown

Cyber Monday Countdown

The latest reports have claimed that Cyber Monday will be … Do you have a plan for Cyber Monday to make sure you area getting the most of the many, many people that will be online?  If not, don’t panic, I have a plan for you:   Day 7: Brainstorm about Your Goal. ...
Using Hashtags to Grow Your Business

Using Hashtags to Grow Your Business

# – once known as the “pound sign” has now transitioned into one of the biggest social media tools today. In case you are not yet a big hashtag user, hashtags are words that you tack on to the end of your social media posting, such as #catlover or...